How to Prepare & Use Saffron: The Correct Way!

Saffron Cans

Saffron offers a wide range of benefits, from enhancing the flavour of fine food and aroma in cosmetics to herbal healing and weight loss.

However, having the best saffron in the world is not enough if you don't use it correctly. Just as you wouldn't microwave a filet mignon or use impure water in a healthy smoothie, using saffron correctly is crucial.

Using Saffron in Food and Beverage

Saffron has countless uses in cooking, whether it's in Saffron tea, coffees, mains, sides, desserts, or salad dressings. Its delicate flavour, rich aroma, and vibrant colour make it an integral part of Mediterranean, Indian, Chinese, and Persian cuisine.

Using saffron is blissfully simple. Take about 50-100 milligrams and add it to your desired dish. Most recipes will specify when to add the spice, but as a general rule, adding it for about 5 minutes will give you a beautiful colour and the aromatic saffron essence.

When to add saffron to your cooking?

When cooking with saffron, it is recommended to reserve a portion and add it towards the end of the cooking process. This is because saffron does not require extended exposure to heat, and adding it at the end allows you to maximise its aroma and flavour, which can diminish with prolonged cooking times. By incorporating saffron towards the end, you ensure that its distinct qualities are preserved and enhance the overall taste of your dish.
Both saffron threads and saffron powder can be used in cooking, but there are a few things to consider.

Saffron Powder or Saffron Threads?

Saffron powder: Saffron powder releases its color and aroma more quickly compared to saffron threads. It is a more concentrated form of saffron, so you will need to use less of it in your recipe. Saffron powder is suitable for dishes that have a shorter cooking time or require quick infusion of saffron's flavor and color.

Saffron threads: Saffron threads take longer to release their color and aroma compared to saffron powder. They are ideal for dishes or desserts that have plenty of liquid or moisture, allowing the saffron threads to gradually infuse their flavor. Saffron threads can be added directly to the dish during cooking, or you can simmer them in a small glass of warm water to create a saffron infusion. The resulting saffron liquid can then be added to your dish or marinade.

When deciding whether to use saffron threads or saffron powder, consider the moisture content of your dish. If the dish is moist with ample liquid, saffron threads can be added directly. If the dish is dry, such as a roast or BBQ, it is best to use saffron powder or create a saffron infusion to ensure proper distribution of flavour and color.

Using Saffron for Health and Wellness

Beyond its culinary uses, saffron is highly valued by physicians and herbal healers for its remarkable health benefits. Recent research supports the traditional medical wisdom from Persia and the Far East, demonstrating that saffron can treat circulatory problems, PMS symptoms, anxiety, depression, and promote clear, radiant skin. It can also help suppress cravings while attempting to lose weight.

However, there is one important thing to remember if you intend to use saffron for its medicinal properties: Do Not Put Saffron in Hot boiling Liquids!


saffron preparation method


Brewing Saffron Method

The bio-active compounds in saffron are incredibly potent but also delicate. When steeped in boiling water, the heat rapidly breaks down these compounds, significantly reducing the potency and effectiveness of saffron. Therefore, a steaming cup of saffron tea may be visually appealing, but it won't provide the medicinal benefits you seek.

To ensure you retain the spice's potency and health benefits, Saffronice has developed a patented cold-brewing method. Here are the steps:

1. Place about 50-100mg of saffron in a small container. Glass or ceramic containers are recommended, as metal or plastic can impart odd flavours or harmful contaminants like BPA to the saffron.

2. Cover the saffron with about a centimetre of finely crushed ice. Use ice made from purified, non-chlorinated water if possible.

3. Leave the saffron and ice at room temperature in a shaded area. While it doesn't have to be completely dark, avoid exposing saffron to direct sunlight.

4. Once the ice has completely melted, you will have a beautiful reddish liquid. Add this to any dish or beverage, adjusting the amount to suit your taste.

5. Your saffron liquid brew can be safely stored in the refrigerator for up to 10 days. Ensure it is properly covered before refrigerating.

Remember, herbal medicine is holistic and systemic, working differently from conventional drugs. Herbal medicines take time to build up in your body and work by improving and strengthening your body's natural defences and abilities. If you add 20-30 drops of the liquid saffron to your tea (ensuring it has cooled enough to drink) once a day, you should begin to notice the effects within a few days or up to a week. If you'd like to learn more about the incredible health benefits of saffron, please visit our knowledge centre, where you can find additional information about the remarkable healing power of this ancient spice.

We hope you enjoy your saffron experience and encourage you to follow us on Facebook to stay updated on the latest saffron news, recipes, and special offers for our valued fans.

Wishing you health and happiness, and please spread the word about the wonders of saffron!